Date cake made from luscious dates is probably one of the moist cakes you have ever eaten! The best part of it is that you can whip it up in a blender in no time. No matter which method you use the result is a delicious, soft, and moist cake.

Dates are considered one of the diets that purify and get rid of toxic waste from the body. We offer you the most delicious date cakes that you can savor by following this delicious and easy recipe.
- one and a half cup of flour
- 2 cups dates, pitted
- 1 / 4 cup pass clip
- A cup of hot and liquid milk
- 2 eggs
- 100g butter
- 3/4 cup sugar
- Cinnamon tablespoon
- A tablespoon of baking powder
- 12 cup walnuts
How to prepare:
- Mix the milk with the date cup in a blender, add the eggs, butter and sugar and mix well.
- Then put the flour, baking powder, walnuts and cinnamon and re-mix well before adding the date pieces and stir the mixture with a spoon.
- Pour the mixture in the tray and put it into the oven until it is cooked.