Tired of using cosmetics, most of which are too expensive and useless? Forget the worries of skin care from the whole day, throw all these products behind your back, and start eating the foods that we will present to you in succession, because they contain the perfect solution for perfect skin free of impurities.
I say these words and I am sure of their correctness, as I got rid of the acne problem that had accompanied me since my teens. Of course, it was not easy, I waited 5 months for this result. Why not give it a try, it is hygienic and less expensive than skincare products. So what are the foods that should be eaten, and which ones should be avoided when the face is prone to pimples?
There are no less than 2 million sebaceous glands associated with the skin of the face, shoulders, upper chest and back! They are glands that secrete sebum, which is essential to protect, defend and keep skin soft. In some cases (hormones, fatigue, increased consumption of fat), the ducts of these sebaceous glands are blocked, and the result is the formation of small bags or wounds in which the fat collects and black spots appear, and when they become inflamed, they become red and then yellow. This is known as pimples.
What is zinc good for?
This is the first question to ask when considering a pimple problem. Is the amount of zinc in our body sufficient? Especially in cases of pimples or pimples emergency during pregnancy, as the level of zinc in the body decreases during adolescence and pregnancy. But during these two stages of life, zinc is essential for changing the hormones responsible for the appearance of pimples. Food sources rich in zinc are seafood, fish and meat. It is recommended to consume:
Small fish: herring, pimp, sardines, and when preparing, high heat must be avoided because it destroys omega- 3 fatty acids at least three times a week.
White meat: twice a week.
Red meat: once a week for boys and twice for girls (because they lose iron during menstruation).
Avoid fats
One of the reasons for sebum formation is the amount of fat consumed. If your triglycerides and non-sebum fatty acids are rich in saturated fatty acids, the sebum drains more difficult and tends to clog the pathways in front of the sebaceous glands. Hence the importance of avoiding dairy products (or consuming them only for the pleasure of the taste), but also reducing the proportion of other saturated fats: products containing palm oil, margarine, egg yolks, pans, peanut oil, coconut, ice cream, desserts made with butter, cream, croissants, and home recipes rich in fat and sugar.
Also, cow’s milk can be substituted with calcium-rich soy milk, ensuring the opposite effect of milk.
Reducing sugar
It is important to avoid consuming fast sugar outside of meals when it does not mix with protein and fiber, so soda and other sweetened drinks are bad and should be avoided. Jams can be substituted with fruit puree without additional sugar, and sorbet is preferred over heavy cream ice cream. As for honey, it should be consumed in moderation.
On the other hand, vitamin D has an essential role in protecting the skin, and thus, a major role for sunlight. Summer is coming back, so take advantage of it, but in moderation!
Beware of milk
Several studies, including one from the Harvard Institute of Public Health, have shown that pimples increase by 16% in milk consumers and by 19% among consumers of rich cream milk. This indicates that the effect of hormones in cow’s milk is greater than that of the fatty acids. By analyzing the milk placed on the market, researchers found 15 different steroid hormones with higher levels even in creamy milk.
Long live black chocolate
Black chocolate is recommended for more than 74% of, and scientists have denied the notoriety that was popular for pimples. This may be the case with industrial chocolate, probably with little cocoa and high in sugar.
Red pepper
Paprika is a delicious vegetable that can be used in recipes or eaten fresh. One red pepper contains more than your daily need for vitamin C. It also contains enormous amounts of dietary fiber and vitamin B6 . Besides, it is rich in carotenoids, which help maintain vitality and youth of the skin, as well as help fight acne. Make sure to eat cayenne pepper daily to enjoy clear, flawless skin.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a rich source of saturated fats. It contains lauric acid, which is a powerful anti-bacterial and virus that prevents infection and acne. Coconut oil is also rich in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E, which help moisturize the skin, smooth it and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Use coconut oil as a daily body moisturizer. It can also be used in cooking as a substitute for unhealthy fats.
Green tea
Green tea is a healthy, skin-friendly beverage. It is a rich source of antioxidants and amino acids that help relax and relieve stress. Besides, it also contains the catican, which is an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and infections. Have a cup of green tea 3 times a day to get the best results.