Ibrahim Al Hosani, the coach of the national jiu-jitsu team, gave a set of advice and messages that are in the interest of the players and contribute to the development of their levels, in light of his long experiences with the game, to invest it in shaping the thinking of new players, and to qualify them to deal with all circumstances, And turning every challenge into an opportunity for success.

Ibrahim Al Hosani said that discipline and commitment in daily training is one of the most important factors for the success of players and making their stars in jiu-jitsu arenas, noting that the workers complement each other, because discipline leads to the application of coaches’ instructions with the utmost accuracy, and commitment is to attend at the specified dates, and to organize time between training And the rest of life’s requirements.
He stressed that from his personal experience, these factors are not limited to jiu-jitsu players only, but include the entire young generation if he wishes to succeed, pointing out that mastery of discipline and commitment in training and training raises concentration rates, and is a barrier to mental distraction, and that the practical translation of this Mastery is embodied in the brilliance of the players and their superiority on the carpet.
On making heroes in jiu-jitsu sport .. He pointed out that the public is very happy for the players to obtain colored medals and draw them to success stories, but behind the scenes are the main factors that led to these successes and achievements.
He explained that as a coach for the national team and belongs to the national team’s technical staff accompanied by Brazilian Ramon Lemos, he bears a large part of the responsibility towards the players, in the field of establishing a culture of discipline and commitment, and that he is keen to do this to the fullest, because the task of training the national team is a medal of honor on his chest. .
Al Hosani stressed that the wise leadership of the state provided its sons with all the elements of excellence in various fields, and that the appropriate return of the favor is to raise the nation’s flag in all forums.