The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi announced the opening of registration to participate in the third session of the Cultural Foundation for Artistic Residence program for the 2021 season, which will be held at the headquarters of the Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi, and applications to join the program are accepted until November 15th.

The Cultural Foundation invites professional artists from the UAE and residents of the country to apply to the program, which represents a platform to sharpen the skills of professional artists and enhance their artistic capabilities by providing a studio and specialized artistic resources to train them. The program also enables artists to produce and display artworks within the Cultural Foundation, which is a valuable opportunity to enhance Their presence on the local and international art scene.
Reem Fadda, Director of the Cultural Foundation, said: “The Cultural Foundation’s Artistic Residence Program 2021 embodies the Cultural Foundation’s commitment to support artists and enhance artistic competencies and creativity to advance the art scene in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Fadha added, “The Cultural Foundation is a civilizational, cultural and artistic monument that pulses in the heart of the capital Abu Dhabi, and plays a pivotal role in promoting the artistic scene as a haven for artists and a platform for science, arts and creativity, and this is consistent with the vision of the complex and its mission on which it was founded from the eighties of the last century.”
Artists will be selected according to a specialized committee, which selects ten from among the applicants, to join the Cultural Foundation for Artistic Residency program, after which the artistic residency will begin either during the first period from January 25, 2021 to June 20, 2021, or the second period from June 25, 2021 to January 20. 2022.