His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, in his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, has directed to introduce amendments to the preventive protocols followed with travelers from Dubai and those coming to it from various parts of the emirate. , In order to relieve travelers, especially citizens, and exempt them from some additional measures, without prejudice to the basic preventive measures necessary to ensure the safety of all travelers at various times.

In implementation of the directives of His Highness, the Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management in Dubai, headed by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, approved a new set of procedures related to the travel of citizens, residents and tourists as well as transit travelers through the various travel ports in the emirate, both with regard to the relevant preventive measures. By accessing or leaving any of those ports.
Citizens coming to Dubai have been exempted from conducting a laboratory examination for the Coronavirus (PCR) prior to travel from their destination, regardless of that destination or the period they spent in it, while the same examination is sufficient for them upon arrival at Dubai airports.
As for residents and tourists coming to Dubai, they must undergo a laboratory examination for the Corona virus, “PCR”, before coming to the emirate.

According to the new procedures, transit travelers will have to conduct a laboratory examination for the Corona virus “PCR” only for those coming from some specific destinations or according to the requirements of the final destination.
As for the procedures related to departure from Dubai to any foreign travel destination, all travelers, whether citizens, residents or tourists, are not required to conduct a laboratory examination for the Coronavirus (PCR) in advance prior to departure, except in the case of countries that require a pre-examination certificate.
The Supreme Committee for Crisis and Disaster Management stated that the adoption of these measures comes within the framework of the continuous updating of preventive protocols and precautionary measures followed in Dubai and the UAE in general, in light of the results of continuous monitoring of developments on the ground locally, regionally and globally in relation to the emerging Coronavirus, its level of spread, and the best ways. Ensure that we face its repercussions on various health, economic and social levels, and try to adapt to the new reality left by this virus in various parts of the world since the outbreak of the crisis at the beginning of this year, and to ensure that activities gradually return to normal in various vital sectors, especially the travel sector, which is one of the most important sectors that Human life is centered around it, given that Dubai is one of the main links in the movement of travel as well as trade exchange between the east and the west of the world.
The committee indicated that the approved measures came in light of the recommendations submitted by the competent authorities in this file, foremost of which are: the Control and Control Center for Combating Coronavirus and the Dubai Health Authority, and based on an accurate assessment of the global situation in light of international reports responsible for creating travel conditions around the world, as well as The fact that these procedures take into account the travel requirements and conditions that vary from one country to another.
The Supreme Committee affirmed that all preventive measures will continue to be applied at various travel ports in the Emirate of Dubai through the strict application of the prevention protocols recommended by the local and international official authorities, in order to ensure the highest levels of safety for travelers, flight crews and all workers at Dubai airports as well as airports around the world, as well as the impact These measures support the global alignment in the face of the Covid-19 virus with the aim of surrounding it and reducing the chances of its spread across borders.