The Ministry of Health and Community Protection in the United Arab Emirates is keen to publish regulations and policies that work to preserve the safety of citizens and residents, especially in the consequences of the new Corona virus Covid-19 pandemic that recently invaded the whole world, and this is also followed and applied by the Dubai Health Authority, which works hard In order to limit the spread of the virus. Therefore, Dubai always seeks to implement all possible solutions to obtain the best results in such difficult times, as well-studied quarantine laws are published, while trying not to affect the lifestyle that the residents of the emirate are accustomed to, as new quarantine laws have been issued. Health in Dubai. In this article, you can learn about the latest developments in quarantine laws in Dubai and some questions and answers regarding quarantine in Dubai in general.

What is Quarantine?
Quarantine can be defined as a set of protocols and procedures that are applied to healthy individuals and that may restrict their activities for a period of time as determined by the competent medical authorities, and it is one of the common practices that all countries of the world follow to help limit the spread of infectious diseases, such as the Coronavirus. Quarantine consists in keeping individuals in their homes or in a hotel facility designated for such purposes for a period of time, usually 14 days, with the aim of staying away from other community members to ensure that individuals are not infected with a disease. Countries around the world, including Dubai, have adopted quarantine measures during the Coronavirus pandemic, and imposed quarantine laws. To learn about the quarantine laws in the new Dubai, continue reading the article.
According to the new quarantine laws in Dubai, foreigners who are outside the borders of the emirate and want to return to Dubai or tourists coming to enjoy an enjoyable time in light of the current conditions in the most famous Dubai attractions, must undergo a pre-laboratory examination for the Covid-19 virus before coming to the emirate of Dubai, It also requires them to present an examination with a negative result upon arrival at Dubai International Airport or one of the country’s airports. It is also worth noting that the examination must be performed 96 hours before arrival in the Emirate of Dubai.
Some residents coming from certain destinations from around the world may have to undergo another laboratory examination upon arrival at an airport, and in this case, the person to whom these specifications apply must follow the self-quarantine at his place of residence, until the results of the examination appear. The test result is positive, you must undergo isolation and follow the instructions issued by the Dubai Health Authority, but if the test result is negative, there is no reason for quarantine. It should be noted that the Dubai Health Authority has announced the reduction of the quarantine period to 10 days instead of 14 per day, starting from the beginning of 2021. The ten-day quarantine period applies to the following cases:
- People with Covid-19 virus without symptoms when they are confirmed to be infected with the virus
- Those who suffer from mild symptoms may disappear after 10 days of their appearance without the use of fever reducers
- Individuals who had close contact with those infected with the Covid-19 virus, and did not show any symptoms starting from the last day they had contact with the confirmed case
Such a step was taken based on the results of international studies that confirmed that most cases of infection with the virus appear during the first ten days from the date of the last contact with a confirmed case of infection with the virus.
As for those infected with the virus who are being treated in a private or government Dubai hospital , the Dubai Health Authority indicated that the patient can be allowed to leave the hospital after performing two consecutive PCR tests 24 hours apart or more, with negative results. However, they must self-isolate for 7 days after they are discharged from the hospital.
It should be noted that citizens of the United Arab Emirates are exempt from the compulsory laboratory examination in Dubai before leaving the destination from which they are coming, regardless of the location of the destination or the period they have spent in it, as the same examination is sufficient upon arrival at Dubai airports.
Frequently asked questions

Below we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions on people’s minds regarding the quarantine laws in Dubai that were recently passed.
What is the quarantine period for people with covid-19 virus in Dubai?
The Dubai Health Authority announced the reduction of the quarantine period to 10 days for people with Covid-19 virus, and this applies to infected patients who have not had any symptoms since the examination was carried out, and to patients who had slight symptoms and were treated without using any drugs.
How is the covid-19 virus transmitted from one person to another?
Recent scientific studies have shown that the emerging Covid-19 virus is transmitted to others in the first 10 days of the patient’s infection, as the infection is at its highest levels in the first days, and the infection decreases rapidly after 7 to 10 days of illness.
Why was the quarantine period reduced to 10 days?
The quarantine period in Dubai has been reduced according to the latest studies conducted internationally, according to which most cases of HIV infection appear during the first ten days from the date of the last contact with a confirmed case of HIV infection.
What is the quarantine period for infected patients who were transferred to the hospital?
According to the quarantine laws in Dubai, patients who have been transferred to the hospital due to their serious condition when infected with the Covid-19 virus can be discharged if the result is negative when they are examined twice periodically within 24 hours, and it must be ensured that no symptoms of high temperature appear. For a period of 3 days, taking into account not to take any antipyretics, and it is appropriate for the patient to show improvement in the respiratory system when performing the examination of the lung image as well.