The body gets its energy that helps it to carry out the physical and mental tasks through food, so the food that a person eats can play a fundamental role in his activity and vitality.
A person acquires the energy required for the body and the various processes and activities that he carries out, in all their forms, from mental, muscular and internal, through the energy he gets from various diets.

The body gets through these foods vitamins, proteins, and other essential elements that all contribute to the functioning of internal tissues and cells.
Have you ever felt weak and your body firing negative vibrations as a result of your eating unhealthy foods? Then you have to clean it and restore vitality to it.
Some diets and programs that purify toxins from the body are often difficult to stick to for a long time, so we found you the most appropriate and easiest solution to getting rid of toxins and restore lost energy to the body, by consuming avocado and vegetable drinks at least once in a month.
• Two handfuls of one of the following vegetables: lettuce or spinach.
• Half a ripe avocado with two seeds decomposed on dates, or a tablespoon of honey.
Banana cut into slices.
• Two cups of unsweetened plant milk.
• 3 ice cubes.
• A teaspoon of ground green mint or mint extract.
• Half a spoonful of vanilla
• A little cocoa powder for decoration.
Put the vegetables, avocado, banana, vegetable milk, vanilla, mint, and ice cubes in an electric mixer. Mix the mixture well, then put it in a cup. Decorate the mug with cocoa powder, and the drink is ready to take a sip!