To be attractive and attractive, is a requirement of every woman, especially during the festive season when occasions and celebrations with friends and family abound. If you suffer from the spread of impurities that hide the beauty and freshness of your skin, do not worry because we will offer you 5 simple tips to add to your daily routine to get a skin free of impurities, which everyone will envy you during the vacation:

A cup of hot vitamin C

Drink 3 days a week in the morning and before breakfast, a cup of hot water with a little lemon juice. It works to cleanse your body from toxins from the inside, which will also be reflected in your skin, which will maintain its luster and beauty.
Clean your pores

It is very important to keep the pores of the skin clean to prevent blackheads and acne and enjoying fresh and clean skin and peeling is the best solution for that. National process of peeling skin once a week, to clean and remove dead skin cells, oils, dirt, and other impurities that lead to clogged pores.
Use natural blends

Use natural mixtures that you prepare at home to cleanse your skin from the remnants of dirt and oils, including a mixture of mint leaves and hot water. Mix a few mint leaves with a cup of hot water, then leave the mixture to cool down and then apply this natural cleanser using a cotton ball. Repeat the process daily until the impurities are eliminated!
Do not touch your skin

Stop touching your face during the day for any reason, especially when acne appears, it is a bad habit. So it is important that you do not touch pimples because it is better for you to feel guilty about the idea that everyone is looking at pimples on your face than to try to remove them with your fingers that contain germs.
Reduce the makeup application

We know that makeup builds up into layers of skin and causes pimples. Relax your skin from products from time to time and replace your foundation with a moisturizing cream with SPF with a teinté tinted formula similar to the foundation: it is the best option that avoids the use of foundation without damaging your skin. The result is a youthful, flawless complexion!