If you want to know what a woman will look like when she grows up, you have to look at her mom. But the secret that a woman who appears to be 10 years younger than her is not just about genetics because a third of women who appear younger have simply lived the good lives

Many ancient myths have talked about the possibility of returning to youth continuously, and various superstitious abilities have been mentioned through which you may appear at a younger age and look more brilliant and bright, but one of the strange things is that those tips that we will present will make you better than stars Cinema takes very simple steps:
Take care of your hair and give it sparkling dyes
Choose the right colour for your hair, which is best suited to the colour of your face, but avoid traditional colours, and avoid imitating another woman, as it may be appropriate for her that is not appropriate for you, and therefore try many modern colours that suit your skin and hair. It is also preferable that you choose light colours and bright colours on your face, so that you look brighter and even look more beautiful, and it helps a lot to hide the signs of aging.
All white tufts that appear in the hair must be hidden, and this matter is through dyeing the gray hair roots that appear as a result of natural age factors, and you can colour those strands with hair dye, this makes the hair more vibrant, and you can perform this process at home. You can also go to a specialist, and you can only colour the bangs and do not colour the rest of the hair, but the colour must be appropriate with the colour of the hair and face.
Choose a youthful hairstyle
You must choose hairstyles that suit your look, even if they are small and youthful haircuts, but it is important that they fit your skin. It is also preferable to avoid long hair, as short hair is more youthful and makes you much less than your real age and in that case you can use gradient cuts that make the face more beautiful.
Skin lotion for lifetime freshness
You can choose a gentle face wash, this makes the face more fresh, but the washing must be of natural materials so as not to strip the skin of the natural oils in it, and you can use a lotion suitable for the age group, so clean the face daily from the chemicals that you are exposed to From the external environment it has great effects in removing the entire effects of aging.
Do not forget to moisturize your skin, especially if it is dry
Dry skin is always aging more than normal skin, and therefore it is advised that you moisturize the skin periodically after cleansing, and you can search for a suitable lotion for your skin, and you should look at the different reviews regarding this product, and you can consult someone Doctors in cosmetology and dermatology find the right moisturizer for your skin and your age.
Protect your skin from direct sun
It is preferable to use sunscreen daily, through various products that contain sun protection factors, and this is useful in protecting the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays that protect from various sun damage, and the sun is one of the factors that cause premature aging, and thus Doctors recommend using sunscreen in order to avoid wrinkles, brown spots, dullness, and signs of aging, and this is also done by applying sunscreen to the chest and tops of the hands.
Get rid of dead skin from your skin constantly
Use daily peels, peeling has a great role in renewing skin cells, and it also makes the skin more youthful, in addition to that there are various products that aim to care for the skin and reduce the occurrence of dryness in it, and this matter makes the skin smoother and brighter.
Get rid of facial hair immediately for lasting youth
Immediately get rid of facial hair, until the age of menopause, and there are many different ways through which facial hair is eliminated, which contribute to slightly concealing the age, and it can be removed with a laser that works to remove dark circles, in addition to removing it through Wax, cream and thread, and it is also preferable that you continue to have your eyebrows in a wide appearance, as the light appearance is always associated with aging, and you should know that this method can be implemented through a natural eyebrow pencil.
Learn to apply makeup professionally
Continuing to wear make-up with age, as this makes you more youthful, in addition to that there are various tricks of makeup that make women constantly show their beauty, and these tricks also contribute to hiding the signs of aging , and this is through the use of concealer and highlighting The beautiful features of the eyes, and among those tricks are the following:
Apply concealer to the eyes, as it is one of the natural substances that conceal dark circles, and apply it through the brush designated for it so that it is distributed correctly.
Put the blush on the cheeks through the top of the cheekbones, and it is not preferable to use the cheek cavity, and this matter contributes to highlighting the beauty of the cheeks more, as with age the face loses many fat and becomes thinner.
Use brown eyeliner instead of black, as brown has a great role in defining the eyes and face
Reduce the make-up of the lips, preferably one of the faded colours that suit your age and youth, and you should never define the lips, because this method makes the face more youthful and addresses the signs of aging with skill.
Your teeth refer to your age, so take good care of them
Teeth must be kept clean, it makes you more youthful and attractive, and a complete system must be followed to preserve the teeth, and this is through the use of dental floss and through the use of the brush, in addition to mouthwash, and you can go to the doctor and ask for advice to treat dental problems Also, whitening your teeth can be done in order to treat various problems of caries and yellowing, and it is not preferred to use common materials that have no known source.