We all know that exercise is important for good health, whether it is aerobic exercise, strength training, or mind and body exercises like yoga or some other type of physical exercise.
Before you move on, make sure to provide yourself with energy from proper nutrition to exercise in order to maximize all your efforts. Consider eating simple carbohydrates. It digests easily and gives you energy quickly. Examples include: granola bars, dried fruits and crackers. The idea of preparing a quick meal can contain oats with a teaspoon of peanut butter and ½ cup of fruit.

But does it matter where you exercise? Would you get the same benefits from exercising in the gym as you would outdoors?
Studies assume that the more you exercise in nature, the better you are likely to feel on a mental and physical level.
For example: In a study of 754 elderly men and women who exercised regularly, it was found that those who walked and jogged or did outside physical activities exercised more, for a longer period, and in greater coordination than people who exercised indoors.
The theory is that exercising outdoors gives a person happiness and provides natural distractions from repetitive activities such as running on a treadmill, and creates a feeling of rejuvenation.
How is that? Several studies say that exercising in nature can reduce cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone. And a study found that people who ride their bicycles for half an hour in nature talk to their friends about three minutes more during exercise than they do in the gym. This fun connection makes them want to exercise again more than the group that exercises at the gym.
Another study tracked 14 men and women who cycle and do strength training exercises either indoors or outdoors. The researchers found that the group that exercised outdoors had a lower blood pressure after exercise than the group that exercised indoors.
Of course, exercising in the sun helps your body to produce more vitamin D. This vitamin can reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, depression, and other serious health conditions.
When you do all of these exercises, you are bound to sweat a lot, so make sure that you drink enough fluids. Part of living a healthy life includes choosing healthy products for the planet as well. So say “no” to bottled water, and instead choose a bottle of reusable water. If possible, choose BPA-free water bottles because they reduce waste and reduce the effect of plastic on your body.
When you’re done exercising, make sure to eat something soon. One reason for doing this is that it is important to replace the glycogen that was depleted during exercise. This is to avoid a low blood sugar level, especially for diabetics. Second: For fast muscle recovery, eat protein for that.
Have a post-workout snack containing 2 graham crackers with a slice of whole meal toast, and the main post-workout meal might include a vegetable omelette with avocado and ½ cup of baked potato or a protein shake. Add nutritional value to your protein shake ingredients like spinach, kale, chia seeds, and more!
So consider spending a little time exercising outside, whether it’s taking a course around the school track, walking on the beach, cycling on the mountains, or practicing tai chi in the park.