Speaking of bad habits, one always thinks about smoking and drinking. Of course, they are; but there are some other subtle habits which we do not consider as bad. Get a mindful idea about these habits and if you avoid these, health specialists say that your living conditions will be better.
Get better sleep
Doctors prioritize this habit on the top of all others as this is the most important factor that determines our health. Although we each have different sleep requirements, most of us get less of it than we should.

An average adult needs between one to two hours of restorative deep sleep every night, which is facilitated by about eight hours of solid shut-eye. Even sleeping six hours could lead to sleep debt over time, affecting brain function, muscle recovery, immunity and weight management, among other factors. To improve the quality of a good night’s rest, follow relaxing nightly routines, keep the room cool and dark, invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows and go to bed at the same time daily.
Avoid midnight food
When you’re living it up in the city, you often relish the plethora of late-night dining options or get home at odd hours and fix yourself a quick meal. As benign as it may seem, a frequent indulgence of this variety comes with baggage.

Given that we are naturally accustomed to activity during the day, regular night-time eating disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycles. This affects hormone and blood sugar functions, increases inflammation and promotes weight gain. How can you fix it? Eat dinner as early in the evenings as possible. If you find yourself hungry later, munch on nutritious, high-protein snacks like nuts or fruits such as kiwis and bananas.
Drink fewer calories
Fizzy drinks are bad, but juice, chai and frappes are wholesome, right? Sure, they can supplement your day with a fruity burst or dose of caffeine – along with a heady mix of sugar and other detriments.

Although occasional indulgences are welcome, sweet and creamy beverages shouldn’t belong in your daily diet if you want to enrich your overall health. Instead, opt for freshly-squeezed juice or smoothies and cut the juice packs from your grocery list. Skip decadent additions to your tea or coffee. If you avoid dessert but heap in the sugar and lather on the whipped cream to your daily cuppa, it still counts as a sweet treat!
Reduce social media time
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat – we can’t get enough of social media and all its one-click access to fun. As remarkable as today’s internet culture may be, too much social media use can have adverse effects on our mental wellbeing.

It can compromise self-esteem, aggravate self-comparison and is correlated with higher levels of anxiety and loneliness. How can you keep enjoying these platforms without succumbing to its ill effects? Put a constraint on the time spent online daily, disconnect a few hours before bedtime and keep your phone out of arm’s reach. If you’re addicted to social media, ask yourself why and find ways to tackle the root cause of the problem.
Utilize free time
Although all of us are busy, we probably fill up your spare time with plenty of unproductive activities. While daily relaxation is important, you can avoid certain habits and replace them with things to do that holistically add to your life. Be conscious of mindlessly surfing online.

Curb the tendency to binge streaming shows or video games and escape the mundane with a book. Don’t hit snooze – wake up and just get out of bed. Lounge on the couch a little less – choose to meditate, stretch or take a walk. Motivate yourself to finally getting around to that new hobby you’ve been wanting to take up.
Try an introspection and know how many of these bad routines are with you. Avoid them and embrace health by living your best life.