Life without stress cannot be imagined. But how you will manage it has a solid effect on your physical and mental health. Get these 10 tips which you can use right now to get into a less stressed space and achieve stress relief.
1) Chew a bubble gum
Do you feel a little unglued altogether? Just take a bubble gum and start chewing. Research suggests that chewing gum can help relieve both stress and anxiety. It may be that the rhythmic motion of chewing helps boost blood flow to the brain. Next time you think, “I can’t stop stressing,” grab a stick of gum as a stress relief technique that is inexpensive, effective, and you can do it virtually everywhere.

2) Walk outside
Want to know how to stop stressing out? Get outside. Spending time outside is a great antidote to stress. Studies show that spending a few minutes outside, even close to home, can provide a mood boost. Not only do natural settings induce calm, but being outdoors often means being active, too.
3) Smile, smile!
Stop stressing and smile! Smiling when you feel stressed creates a little tension in facial muscles that helps reduce stress. Smiles are particularly stress busting when they’re genuine, using muscles around the mouth and eyes. Smiling can also help an elevated heart rate recover faster once a stressful situation has passed.
4) Smell some lavender
Certain smells can elicit the relaxation response. One study compared the stress levels of nurses who had vials containing lavender oil pinned to their clothes to those who did not. The nurses who were exposed to lavender scent reported feeling more relaxed than those who were scent-free. Lavender can turn up the effect of anti-anxiety meds and painkillers.

5) Listen to music
If you are facing a stressful event, music can help keep you calm. Participants in one study had lower levels of cortisol when listening to Latin choral music than when they just listened to the sound of rippling water. Listening to soothing music is one of the easiest ways to stop stress.
6) Breathing exercise
Breathing exercises are one way to quickly stop the stress response. Focusing on the breath directs attention away from fearful and stressful thoughts and it stops the “fight or flight” response in the body. To perform the exercise, breathe in deeply and slowly through the nose. Allow your chest and abdomen to expand and fill with air. Breathe out slowly, for as long as you inhaled, repeating a phrase or word that makes you feel calm and peaceful.
7) Smooth self-talk
We all have an inner dialogue going on inside our minds. Sometimes we don’t speak to ourselves in a kind, reassuring way. Mastering the art of compassionate and positive self-talk can help you remain calm and make it easier to come up with effective solutions to problems.

8) Write
Writing about your problems in a journal can help you feel calmer and help you arrive at solutions you hadn’t thought of before. You can achieve these benefits by writing in a journal, a file on your computer, or even an app on your phone.
9) Trust a friend
Social support is a huge stress reliever. Get together with friends or loved ones when you’re feeling stressed. Seek the company of others who are dealing with similar challenges. Sharing your experiences with others who can truly empathize will help you feel less alone.
10) Get going
Exercise benefits mood in many ways. Physical activity helps take your mind off everyday worries. It also releases mood-boosting endorphins. Whether working out at the gym or taking long walks is your style, any type of exercise reduces stress and anxiety.