Are you a coffee lover? Do you want to reduce your weight? Happy news, then. Studies have proved that Black Coffee can reduce your body fat and weight.
The Black Coffee weight loss program was introduced by Dr. Bob Arnot, who is a medical doctor in the US. People came to know about this program via a book he wrote, labeled ‘The Coffee Lover’s Diet.’ In his book, Dr. Arnot wrote that drinking black coffee three times a day boosts a person’s metabolism rate, burns more of his fat, improve his blood circulation, reduces his hunger cravings and appetite. He was inspired to write this book when he saw healthy elderly people living on the Greek island of Ikaria.
Dr. Arnot believes that good health and longevity can be achieved by taking antioxidant-rich foods like Black Coffee.
How scientific is this?
Black Coffee is effective for weight loss due to two main reasons. First, it is a ow calorie drink, which does not add to your calorie and fat reserves. Second, the caffeine present in Black Coffee will boost your metabolism and give you a lot of energy to do work. Black Coffee, also nicknamed as ‘weight loss coffee’, is a very low-calorie drink. Black Coffee brewed from ground beans contains just two calories per cup. If the ground beans have been de-cafed (made free of caffeine), Black Coffee will contain only one calorie per cup! Therefore, it certainly does not add to your fat content.

Black Coffee also contains a substance called chlorogenic acid. This substance sends electrical impulses to the neurons to break down body fat and convert it into energy. It also reduces the production of glucose and new fat cells in the body.
It is quite obvious that no one can survive just by drinking black coffee. One has to follow a healthy and low-calorie diet, along with drinking Black Coffee to achieve the optimal fitness level. The food that one eats should be packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein to give one all the nutrients one needs to stay fit. It should preferably be low in calories so as not to put on fat and weight.
If it is high in calories and fat, don’t worry. Drinking Black Coffee at least two times a day (morning and evening) will burn those extra calories you took. Drinking Black Coffee is a convenient and cost-effective way to lose fat and weight without having to exercise too much. Black coffee and weight loss are highly interrelated.
How to prepare Black Coffee?
Black Coffee is the easiest to prepare among all coffees. It only takes about 5 minutes to prepare manually, and it is instantly available in coffee vending machines. Black Coffee has very few ingredients.
- One cup of water.
- One tablespoon of ground beans powder.
- Heat the cup of water to a boil.
- Add the tablespoon of coffee powder to it and stir well.
- You may add a teaspoon of brown sugar if you want/have.
- Continue heating for another 5 minutes. Your Black Coffee is ready to be served.